Creatine: The most studied, yet vilified, supplement in the world!

Even though there is a widespread consensus in the scientific community about the potent performance-enhancing effect of creatine, there is still a stigma around its consumption. Many people think it is either unnecessary compared to a proper diet, not fit for younger athletes, in the same class as a steroid, or downright dangerous! This article will determine fact from fiction and give you the scoop on this popular supplement!

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Sets, Reps, Intensity, and Frequency...OH MY! Programming Basics for Improving Muscular Strength.

Everyone knows strength training makes you stronger…but how do you become stronger? What’s a good program? What training variables are important? WHAT DO?

Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this final article of our strength training series, we discuss what a good strength program looks like, and what you need to know to set up your own program!

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Functional Training

Ahh, functional training, the vague and misused term used to describe odd and sometimes bizarre exercise variations. Traditional exercise modalities like barbell training often get unfairly labeled as “non-functional” for whatever reason. This article will cut through the noise and tell you what functional actual means, and what you can do about it!

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How do muscles actually produce force? And how do we get them to produce more?

How do muscles actually produce force?

Why does strength training make me stronger?

Everyone knows that if you lift weights, eventually you can lift heavier ones. But almost no one knows what is happening inside the muscle to cause this. Magic? Definitely not. But it isn’t nearly as complicated as you may think, and you don’t need to be a physiologist to grasp the basic concepts. This article will give you the answer to all of these questions.

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What is Strength?

Everyone knows what strength is…right? Powerlifters are strong, but would you still consider them strong if they couldn’t hold a simple yoga pose? What about lifting weights, how does that fit into your program if your goal is to become a better rocker climber? Read this article to actually understand what strength is!

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Nicholas GiesComment
A Case for Resistance Training: How straining a little (or a lot!) is good for your health. (Part 1)

Often when people hear the term “Resistance Training” (RT) they envision herculean men slinging hundreds of pounds with ease, bulging muscles, grunting, or the use of far too many Arnold quotes. It is often seen as exclusive to high-level athletes and only used for improving sports performance. Some people don’t consider RT to be a necessary component to a healthy lifestyle, or more specifically, they do not understand just how important it is for their health. 

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Nicholas Gies